21 abril 2008

food crisis

I mean.... the world IS really crazy. Who would have thought, that we have to hear about food crisis again. All of a sudden the price of rice rises 160% in a year and other staple foods follow. Things like this leave me really worried. Nobody understands what really is going on. After food..what's next... a nuclear war about an island in the nortic circle between Russia and.....USA or England... nobody knows. 
I think I'm just a bit drunk. I just ate four cloves of garlic, drank half a bottle of red wine and ate some delicious black chocolate of sprüngli...so far no food crisis here. That's about my 5 cents to world opinion. 
Brasil just found the largest non OPEC oil reserves. I am sure, that this is BAD news for the country. 

13 abril 2008

cut my hair

I just cut my hair. To be exact Julia cut my hair sitting on a chair in our garage. It feels great..looks ±. but...here it is 
"function before form".
Lazy sunday. Yesterday we played at Remi and Mari's wedding. A little house with garden in the vila madalena. some 200 guests, nearly everybody musician. great sound. Salsa, Ru
mba, Samba, Rock, everything. We played as the last band after a lot of real good ones and the people really liked it, although our sound is really much more simple than theirs. 

The other day at the new auditorio ibirapuera

Ontem fomos no show dos nossos amigos Luiz Bueno e Fernando que formam a dupla DUOFEL que e se apresentou no auditório ibirapuera 
The building conceived by Niemeyer in the 40ties has been constructed only recently with help from TIM and probably other sponsors. The result is sublime. Never have I been fascinated SO much by great architecture. And... much to the contrary of other Niemeyer projects it is even a good concerto hal and useable. Where form meets function. Normally Niemeyer is only form. Museums without walls to hang pictures, cities without walkway for citizens, houses to big to live in, public offices without offices, but everthing veeeery beautiful. 

07 abril 2008

At the

lawyer's office. the other day I was in the office of a first class lawyer in São Paulo. 10th floor, next to the marginal.