07 dezembro 2007

Just Read: Ian McEwan, On Chesil Beach Brilliant story of a young couple getting married just before 68, and split up in their wedding night not beeing able to "consumate" their marriage.  Sound depressing but it is so well written that you just fly through the pages. loooooved id

20 novembro 2007

Rochus Misch, Ich war Hitlers Leibgarde. oder so ähnlich. Schreckliches Buch. Wie konnte einer so nahe am Geschehen dran sein und so wenig begreifen. Habe das Buch auch noch auf Portugiesisch gelesen. 

Long time..

I will try again to write something of any relevance. What I read: Alan Greenspan, Times of Turbulence. A real nice book of a great economist who followed and lead the economic development of the last 50 years. Finally I found a reason why I studied macroeconomics for about 4 years Funny thing that reading good books is like dreaming. Once woken up you hardly remember what you have read. From Diogenes I read Joe Goebels, Vincent. A serendipidous story about a prodigious kid in the american show biz. Very entertaining. Then, then. We just finished a Ashtanga Yoga course of four days. Everyday in the morning we would drive to Brooklin in the south of the City, practice for 90 minutes with Matthew Vollmer. After four days I feel somehow deeply exhausted, fiscally and somehow, I dont know why, emotionally. Anyway. George Bernhard Shaw, A picture of Dorian Gray. Reread it after not having remembered anything. I think actually at school I must have never read it. Anyway, a very sad book of a person who starts leading a totally superficial life. We just are about to finish our first CD. It will come out on the 14. of Dezember with a little show in a Bar in the center of São Paulo. Since they opened a big bookstore in the conjunto national, something like the Barnes and Noble store in New York I bought so many book that I hardly remember what I read. Tom Clancy, the sum of all fears. The first of all these "cool CIA guy fights tons of anti-american terrorist and even gets a lock on some women who try to run the white house" type of story. Very good. Cannot lay away type of book. Now it is 1.26h in the morning and I cannot sleep. Shit...Tomorrow would be a holiday here, but my company works having had a holiday today. . Not to forget: Amin Maalouf, The crusade through Arab eyes. A truly inspiring work that show how worlds collided during the times of the crusades 900-1200 and how history many times happens to repeat itself.

31 agosto 2007

In trancoso

This panorama has been taken from the deckchairs of the little bungaloo we have rented in a little 4 days getaway.

15 julho 2007

On the road

Coming back from UBErlandia where valerics parents live whom we presented with a new computer. It is a 5 hour drive :-( tonight i still have probe with my band

10 julho 2007

sick at home

Seit vielen Jahren bin ich wieder mal krank im Bett. Gerade von Martin Suter "Lila, Lila" gelesen. Ein schüchterner, leichter Versager findet ein Manuscirpt einer vor 50 Jahren geschriebenen Love Story in einem alten Nachttischen. Um seinen Schwarm zu beindrucken gibt er es ihr zum lesen und gibt sich als der Verfasser aus.  Höchst unterhaltsam. Alles in Zürich angesiedelt. Sofort erkennt man die Zürcher Szene und fragt sich, wieso man es nicht selber so gut und witzig beschreiben konnte.  Sonst habe ich das Buch "The crusades throught Arab eyes" gelesen, welches ich mir eigentlich in der Türkei vornehmen wollte. Da Valeria und ich aber leider überraschend zurück mussten, habe ich es halt hier verschlungen. Äusserst spannend wie die Kulturen vor etwa 1.000 Jahren zusammenprallten und Araber, Türken (seldjuken, ein Nomandevolk), Armenier, Juden und Christen europäischer und Orientaler Abstammung sich um diesen Nabel der Welt stritten. Bis heute hat sich ja da nicht viel geändert. 

07 julho 2007

my first youtube

OK..so I found out how to put stuff on the Internet with youtube. Watch me slightly drunk telling you, and everybody who wants to listen the truth and nothing but the truth. By the way...here you can watch (in a new window, just to clutter your screen a bit) the band "cha de boldo" in a moment of disorder, until the metal section brings some order ...hehe
See Cha de boldo's metals section
see the pictures of the show of yesterday night..

01 julho 2007

Camburi com chuva

...was soviel heisst wie Camburi im Regen. Hier ist Winter und es ist ein wenig kühl. In der Nacht kommt es auch 10Grad und am Tag in der Sonne kann es warm sein. Wir sind in Camburí, unserem Beachhaus. Gerade habe ich Volley gespielt und morgen um sechs fahren wir nach São Paulo zurück. We just came back from Konstantinopel....heheh or Istambul if you want it the turkish way. See the pictures

22 abril 2007

A casa onde eu nasci

Recente eu passava em Kilchberg e visitei a casa onde passei os primeiros 22 anos da minha vida. Situada na Seestrasse (Orla do lago) a casa está vazia desde que meus pais venderam ela em 97. Um lugar muito especial e meio triste de ver que este imóvel maravilhoso não está com uma familia feliz...como a nossa era.
From Kilchberg, Se...

20 abril 2007

The other day I was on iChat with my mother and managed to speak to my father, who is 84 years old. We enjoyed it a lot. It was a novelty for him to "telefone" through the computer.

27 fevereiro 2007

On styrr

With chris My cousin and is family we are taking a week off in the island world of angra.

13 fevereiro 2007

A new fad in the MNS chat system permits to use these little .gif films as emoticons. This has given many new posiblilites to the way people express themselves. The oldfashioned :-) or :-& became new things...some of them I posted here.

12 fevereiro 2007

Valerias parents have SKYPE with video too now. I liked their look when we talked to them. Abraços Pierre

04 fevereiro 2007

I just arrived in São Paulo after a beautiful week in Trancoso, the Brazilian equivalent of St. Tropez of the 70. A small fishing village which became a spot for the chosen few. I did a Yoga course there. Here a (not too good) picture of you practicing room. p

26 janeiro 2007

In the local café at the main square. I got up at 4am because i mis-adjusted watch. At seven, after having seen all the leftovers of all raves and the sunrise i practised yoga with matthew our teacher and now at nearly noon i finally eat!

24 janeiro 2007

21 janeiro 2007

On the 20th I had my 42 birthday. However looking at the way my new "silly frames" feature of my camera seems to give me pleasure I hope that I am not too much older than...... lets say 7...or no....16... Yeah....16 would be just great. I actually had a course on cosmetics but Valeria managed to invite some friends. Even some bandmembers, considerably younger showed up and we had a nice little diner/music/chat evening that some people would call a PARTY. Today we have a nice hangover day which we use to watch the 7 Year of Seinfeld which Roberta gave me for my birthday.

16 janeiro 2007

See my collection of the best fotos of my x-mas 2007. May the year of the dog be a good one...or the cat..or the worm..or whatever year it is. Anyway I really like my life, even if it is boring. :-). On top of it, it is not really boring.. This year playing in the band chá de boldo gave me a lot of pleasure. The familiy with the two daughters of Valeria also are very nice to be with (see the pictures of our xmas party). My company is starting to grow, which makes me confident that I might even earn some money with this venture in the future. Also I found a partner in the business which give some potentail to grow on. In my Ashtanga series I am about to finish the first Series...about time after more than four years of constant practicing. This is one of the things that makes me really happy. yours p

05 janeiro 2007

Sitting in an hamburger joint

In camburi i took this shot from the table i was sitting at. I played a lot of volley today and feel a bit exhausted. Also typing on the cel even with t9 is a bit tiring.