29 dezembro 2006

>>Subject: Lowes Scam A "heads up" for you and any of your friends who may be regular Lowes customers. Over the last month I became a victim of a clever scam while out shopping. Simply going out to get supplies has turned out to be quite traumatic. Don't be naive enough to think it couldn't happen to you. Here's how the scam works: Two seriously good-looking 18 or 19-year-old girls come over to your car as you are packing your shopping items into the trunk. They both start wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex, with their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy T-shirts. It is impossible not to look. When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say "No" and instead ask you for a ride to another Lowes. You agree and they get in the back seat. On the way, they start having sex with each other. Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and performs oral sex on you, while the other one steals your wallet. I had my wallet stolen September 4th, 9th, 10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th, three times just yesterday, and very likely again this upcoming weekend as soon as I can buy some more wallets I really liked that joke which an online buddy send me the other day... Happy new ?Year

24 dezembro 2006

A summer nights storm

Every evening it rains a a bit. The summer heat recedes and we all get washed off our sins hehe..... Sort of
Hello again. After extensively checking out the new features of my camera I have decided to post this nice little picture of snoopy with the changing lights. I wish everybody reading this post a merry christmas.

Team américa

This is a wonderful satiric movie with puppets which we are watching here in x mas mood:-o

23 dezembro 2006

Ro e Pierre

Que legal agora funciona:-)B-)
Our heroine just got abused and the spirits violate her body.
anyway..it is a bit ackward to write with the celular. but I think it is very interesting to capture a moment of my life and send it directly to the internet.
Christmas in the tropics is wonderful. Today, friday work stopped. I went to the city to do some shopping. Now it is nighttime and I am watching a suthern voodo horror movie where a blond girl finds her way through a villa full of devilstuff....but at least the actress is very beautiful blond girl. And now the computer runs out of battery and I have to go to sleep anyway. p

30 novembro 2006

Cha de Boldo

...heisst die band in der ich mitspiele. Lauter junge Leute, so um die zwanzig. Auf diesem Site kann man auch die Musik hören. Letzte Woche war wieder das Geburtstagsfest von Paulus. Da erschienen Valeria und ich in der Coluna Social des Estado de São Paulo. Img003

27 agosto 2006

Berlin new center of the german volkseele. lots of good beer, even better architeture, restaurants and museums. we have just spent some four days in this wonderful city, living with our friends in the quarter called prenzlauer berg on rykestrasse. tomorrow we will drive to Praha in the tschek republic...later on I will find out how to write that. here me ask a bystander in the art house TACHELES to take a picture os us. We rented bikes, lingered around the open market of prenzlauer berg. we visited the brücke museum, the bundestag and lots more

13 agosto 2006

Sitting in the new house of Isabella and Idel made by Paulo Mendez da Rocha. It is very beautiful and I have already drunk some Grappas a mais. A nice tropical evening is falling in, some Jazz with a nice little Clarinete is playing and Dia dos Paes is coming to an end.

19 julho 2006

a joke

A FANHA NO MOTEL Uma fanha foi a um baile e lá conheceu um indivíduo. Conversa vai, conversa vem, foram para um motel. Lá chegando, iniciaram as preliminares e ela disse com toda a sua dificuldade de articulação: - Vohê habe? Eu hosto de apanhar um houco anhes de hoder. Então bahe um pouquinho na minha bunha. Ele responde: - Claro, eu lhe dou umas palmadas nessa bundinha gostosa! Um, dois, três tapas ... e a fanha diz: - Bahe mais fohe! E ele bateu mais forte. - Bahe mais fohe! E mais palmadas. - Bahe mais fohe! Ele achou estranho, mas usou toda a sua força para dar um tapão no traseiro da fanha. Não satisfeito, pegou sua sandália Ridder, tamanho 44, e sapecou o traseiro da fanha com tanta força que até estragou a sandália. A fanha levanta-se chorando e, cambaleando, pega em sua bolsa um pedaço de papel e uma caneta e escreve: BATE, MAS FODE, FILHO DA PUTA!

12 julho 2006

gestern mit gotthard

Auf Einladung von Roland waren wir gestern mit Leo und Steve von der Rockband GOTTHARD in einem Restaurant. Witzig...schon lange keine Rockmusiker mehr getroffen. wusstest du schon... wenn brasilianisch kinder einer barbie die haare abschneiden, dann wird sie einfach als "empregada" weitergebraucht und man kauft eine neue, die dann als "senhora" in den Haushalt eintritt.

07 junho 2006

at the cartório

where brazil is at its best. the legal sistem of this country still has some nice little medieval leftover in place. for every step, every copy, every contract has to be "certified" by an institution called cartório, at considerable cost. These places are hereditary and... well I really, really hate them. They do no service whatsoever, charge dear and are so ridiculously childish by putting at lot of monsterous stamps on every paper you might need. The one positive thing about them is, that waiting in line for my paper gives me time to type this blog.. sad console that is.

31 maio 2006


even though it is a niiiiiice day I did not start well. but just to let you see...what it is allike here in winter São Paulo Weather310506

27 maio 2006


I start to use my cel fones movie and picture features a bit more. The other day I documented short sequences about my way to work here a picture about my way work And here some movies. They need Quicktime Here you have a sequence of my filing machine. I am quite happy, whenever it runs so smoothly. See the movie

25 maio 2006

another one bites the dust

yesterday i had a nice videochat with my sister in Berne. The whole family was present even the dog....who obviousely was not really interested in computers but wanted to have a walk..... Tinachat

have fun

google in a new version. If the Brazilian Government would offer search services it would look like this google para trouxos Here a new picture of Pierreman Rushdie Rushdie

17 maio 2006

Folha Online: Furukawa admite que reunião com Marcola integrava proposta do PCC

A seguinte notícia da Folha Online (www.folha.com.br) foi enviada para você por Pierre Froelicher (pfroelicher@mac.com).

Clique no link abaixo para ler o texto completo:

Furukawa admite que reunião com Marcola integrava proposta do PCC http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/folha/cotidiano/ult95u121614.shtml

Folha Online http://www.folha.com.br/

15 maio 2006

Olá Today the PCC, a local crime organisation, burnt 61 buses around São Paulo and killed 30 police and civilians in a retaliation for the descision to move their leaders in a high security prison. We are in a civil war. It is hard to believe. I just wanted to show off some pictures I did with my celular. Here we have myself, taking my breakfast at the padaria next to our house. Here is "Edna" the place's good soul, knowing each customers orders, name, history, future and past. Clearly a person who found her destiny. Ok..after the padaria I take my usual way to embatek. The other day I took my cousin to Capão Redondo, the most run down bairro of São Paulo. It is where rural live meets urban poverty. Isn't that nice. Sell a sitio for a camihão. Cleary a pre internet/ebay form of finding your customer

11 maio 2006

tuesday night, we just came home from the cinemas. matchpoint, the last woody allen movie, placed in london. young, handsome irish extenispro marries into rich uppercrust english family, falls in love with his brother in laws fiancée and kill her to keep the lie up and not lose his newly won status. afterwards a thai soup in restaurant mesticio and a 30 min walk home. It IS cold here...some 15C degrees and life is just flowing like a lazy river.

09 maio 2006


wieder einmal sitze ich im cartório, einer der obsoletesten Institutionene, welche dieses Land zu bieten hat.

07 maio 2006

hey again sunday morning in São Paulo. Valeria is giving water to the garden because the winter wheather has brought some dry and cold days. Reading the veja makes one want to leave this wonderful country. After the Bolivian Presindent invaded Petrobras' factories the four populist leader meet in Uruguay and Lula has nothing better to do than to CONGRATULATE Evo Morales. A clear kick in the groins of the Brazilian People, who, through Petrobras have invested in the region. This is a much bigger step, because it shows that Lula is really NOT at all a democratic leader but more and advocat of his own PT, a socialist group of politicians that still want a socialist revolution in the whole region. Very sad. Lets talk about more intersting stuff. This site about Ashtanga Yoga, my recent pasttime is excellent www.ashtanga.com For a test I also want to post a little picture I made with that new Photo Boot app that came with Pedro's new computer. Really cool...If Andy only knew