18 dezembro 2002

just typed the last changes and offered some link for visitors on my page. this christmas I will spend with the family of Valeria on a sitio near the city. On 26 we will go to the mountains in Minas where Breno has a wonderful place with horses (mares) and hiking and stuff. merry xmas and happy new 'ear (how the brazilians say). I just planted a Pau Brasil in my garden and it is growing nicely.

17 dezembro 2002

O.K. am back. Here in São Paulo its X-mas time as everywhere else in the world. This was a nice year and lots of good things have happened to me. I got to know Valeria, I bought a house and I play the best trumpet I have ever...which is not too much but better than nothing. I a founding a company and I am remodeling a house which I bought on Pacaembu in São Paulo. If you would like to see some pictures about my year of 2002 click here . Ok I mean... I hope I did not leave anybody out. Well well well. I had a horrible day. Our second attempt to get a CNPJ for our company failed and we could not get embatek founded yet in São Paulo. What took a month in Switzerland is taking 3 month here and is still not done. The custo brasil is reaching unbearable levels and I really don't know anymore, if it it worth investing a dime in a bureaucratically rotten place like this. Some scribesman seems to be able to block your papers indefinitely and if you rent a place for 2'000U$ per month nobody is able to tell you beforehand if it will be possible to use it as the main office of your company. I come to the conclusion that I am either stupid, or brasil is a very difficult place to do business, or we work with the wrong people. Probably all of it together. Enjoy the news and write me an email sometime.

26 outubro 2002

well,,back again. just sitting on my sofa in são paulo and enjoying a lazy afternoon @1230. Yesterday we watched forrest gump for the zillion'st time and i cried agaiiiin. then we went to the cinema to see "la pianiste" a truly horrid picture of sexual perversions...poor thing the pianiste..couldn^t wait to get out of the movie. the house has changed. From "a little reform" it became very quickly a "sound reconstruction" type of project. soon I will post some more pictures. bye P

30 agosto 2002

hello again...since i heard that some people really visit this site i will post some more news. I bought the loveliest house on pacaembu (name of the quarter) here in São Paulo and probably on earth. click on the link and see it. well..apart from that i am somewhat in a hurry going to a hamlet theather right no.......

30 julho 2002

long time since my last blog.... I am still in São Paulo...probably will stay here. I am about to found a company called embatek where we will try to sell the SOFTube and more. Interesting... furthermore I have lots of pictures which you can access through my Menue. Now I have even learned to put links into my pages. Well, well...I love my Ibook...it is real fun. What else...the country is going down the drain...Dollar is 3.3 to the real...up some 40% since the beginning of the year. It suffocates the country and I hope that it will go down soon..just to ease the effects of inflation and so on. byby

11 maio 2002

ontem toqueei a primeira vez num bar em moema. foi o maximo. so toquei duas músicas e solei um poucinho. antés de subir no palco achava que ia morrer. Uma vez lá, estava bem calma. Toquei aceitavel e não errei. Perdi uma ou duas entradas mas o Gil que estava no meu lado salvou a patria. Estou muito feliz..... Fui uma puta experiênçia boa. Sempre era sonho meu..Toquei "There will never be another you" e um blues do guitarista que eu nem conheçia......

10 maio 2002

today hägar says: "Shall I have another beer before I go home?" and the Barkeeper retorts: "Can you pay one?" where he says: "Sure!" and the barman goes: " Then have one!"..and starts pouring in... Hägar ponders: "How simple life is for a barman". Isn't that funny.......

03 maio 2002

Freitag, wir bereiten uns vor, nach Gonçalves zu fahren, wo das Sitio von Breno liegt. Unter dem link http://homepage.mac.com/casasgoncalves/ kann man sich einen Überblick verschaffen, wie es dort aussieht, Es kommen Chisi mit Frau Nicole und Kind Eric mit und Valeria und Paco. Hier ist es ein wenig kühler geworden, fast schon Winter, gesterns seit langem wieder einmal stark geregnet. Ich mach Yoga wie verrückt, zweimal pro Woche, das ist wie ein Volleyballtraining, man fühlt sich super nachher, Ansonsten bin ich am abklären, ob und wie ich ein Thairestaurante hier eröffnen kann und am ein geeignetes Haus am suchen. Spiele viel Trompete http://homepage.mac.com/pfroelicher/quicktime/dahoud.mov wie der im letzten Sommer aufgenommen, leider leicht arhythmische Film zeigt..:-)

01 abril 2002

just to keep the world informed. about what?? I am still thinking about buying the houe, just sent flowers to the owner. I spent a wonderful weekend on the beach in Camburi, playing beachvolley and the wheather is HOT...really hot here in São Paulo. Currently I am working with OS X here on my mac and I am starting to like it a lot.

01 março 2002

hi.everybody. Well here the weather is nice. though every night it is getting cold and rainy. Yesterday i seemed to be winter....today it IS summer 30+C.....uffa. I am thinking of buying a house. The one I live in is not for sale and I am starting to think, that it is a bitt off route..here in this city. So I am looking for stuff around Pacaembu. Achei uma casa linda na Rua Itamirim...just next to the stadium do Pacaembu....lets see... I fell in love with the house right away.

27 fevereiro 2002

all quiet on the western front, rain and nice and warm. que blog raso...incrivel.

26 fevereiro 2002

well well well.... all's well that ends well. a chachorrinha que pegou pneumonia está bem...que bom. Ela ficou na chuva no meu jardim. Por falta de prática ela não sabia, que debaixo do teto NÃO chove tanto como fora.... além desses pequenos defeitos ela é fofa, intelligente E um chão de verdade (mesmo um poucinho bonsai). Tempo melhorou, Dengue so 14'000 casos em Sampa ontem.

25 fevereiro 2002

woww.. acabou de instalar explorer 5.1...o computador parece o dobro mais rapido...impressionante. tempo frio, passarinhos secando as peninhas molhadas e uma boa noite repleto de sonhos. Ontem aprendi que em português ruas não comenhcam.....nascem. Para quem diz " dar luz" para "give birth" tudo e possivel

24 fevereiro 2002

ontem a noite fomos no santo daime...bem loco mesmo.... sabado a noite. nem sei se deveria escrever isso. Hoje estou cansado. valeria estava aqui com a sophie..a chachorrinha dela....fofa.

23 fevereiro 2002

ok..i know that my english is far beyond superb...except...not exept...but there is no spellcheck build in... Paco just ran away after a bitch in heat...hope he's not gonna get run over... its saturday,...raining but nice and hot again...

22 fevereiro 2002

ok..everything exept the picture in the text is showing up....
again here on the comp. José Serra virou presiçiavel...quase Presidengueavel depois da epidemia... ontem fui no NAKOMBI, lugar de sushi otimooo. tâ chuvendo...e muito pareçe inverno

21 fevereiro 2002

a minha querdinha valeria me falou que a imagem não carrega...e daí....deus também levou 7 dias...não é??? e mesmo assim não ficou perfeito...tinha ainda tirar costelas e coisas e fica mexendo até hoje.... beijos todos falei com cara do lanathai...vamos abrir um restaurante thai sim... thai na vila....tô sonhando....
ok..another day goes by. minha moto estava com problemas. aqui vou tentar de por uma imagem só para ver como que fica...byby... lets see..

20 fevereiro 2002

another one bites the dust
well. well well...all's well that ends well... I just tried to put all that code into my page at mac.com ....but it is still very abstract and difficult
wow. how nice technology is. I am trying to make the use of all the power the internet puts at your fingertips. In this column I will try to write a little diary for everybody interested. Para ser mais ou menos interntional eu vou escrever parte em inglês.